Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼ CMakeFiles | |
▼ 3.5.1 | |
▼ CompilerIdCXX | |
CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp | |
▼ include | |
▼ commands | |
Command.h | |
DriveMotorRPM.h | |
DriveRobotCommand.h | |
▼ exceptions | |
DataSizeException.h | |
DuplicateHardwareException.h | |
MessageLengthException.h | |
MismatchedMessageException.h | |
NonexistentHardwareException.h | |
▼ hardwareinterface | |
AdafruitPWMServoHat.h | |
EncoderAdapter.h | |
IHardwareInterface.h | |
MotorAdapter.h | |
▼ messages | |
EncoderMessage.h | |
IMessage.h | |
MotorMessage.h | |
▼ sensors | |
EncoderSensor.h | |
IRangeFinderSensor.h | |
ISensor.h | |
ISensorManager.h | |
SensorManager.h | |
CommandManager.h | |
Communicator.h | |
DriveConstants.h | |
Hardware.h | |
Main.h | |
Robot.h | |
Thread.h | |
wiringPiInclude.h | |
▼ src | |
▼ commands | |
Command.cpp | |
DriveMotorRPM.cpp | |
DriveRobotCommand.cpp | |
▼ hardwareinterface | |
AdafruitPWMServoHat.cpp | |
EncoderAdapter.cpp | |
MotorAdapter.cpp | |
▼ messages | |
EncoderMessage.cpp | |
MotorMessage.cpp | |
▼ sensors | |
EncoderSensor.cpp | |
SensorManager.cpp | |
CommandManager.cpp | |
Communicator.cpp | |
Hardware.cpp | |
Main.cpp | |
Robot.cpp | |
Thread.cpp | |
▼ test | |
▼ mocks | |
▼ include | |
MockHardwareInterface.h | |
MockIRRangeFinderSensor.h | |
MockIRRangeFinderSensorMessage.h | |
MockSensorManager.h | |
SimpleIteratorCommand.h | |
MockHardwareInterface.cpp | |
MockIRRangeFinderSensor.cpp | |
MockIRRangeFinderSensorMessage.cpp | |
MockSensorManager.cpp | |
SimpleIteratorCommand.cpp | |
test_main.cpp | |
▼ wiringPiMock | |
wiringPi.cpp | |
wiringPi.h | |
wiringPiI2C.cpp | |
wiringPiI2C.h | |
wiringSerial.cpp | |
wiringSerial.h | |